Do I Have To Walk 10,000 Steps for Wellness?

Do I Have To Walk 10,000 Steps for Wellness?

Walking even as few as 2,600 steps per day has significant health benefits. The key is to start moving!
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Walking is more than just a way to get around; it is a gateway to better health. But how much should you walk each day for better health? If you think 10,000 steps (roughly equivalent to five miles) per day is the sweet spot, you’re right. Its impact on your health is profound and well worth the effort. But you might be surprised to learn that the health benefits of walking start accruing with as few as 2,600 steps per day. 

Why 10,000 Steps?

The origin of the 10,000 steps-a-day goal is rooted in Japanese research from the 1960s that turned into a marketing campaign for an early pedometer named Manpo-kei ahead of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. In recent years, the 10,000 steps-a-day goal has become ubiquitous among health-minded individuals wearing a step tracker. It’s an excellent goal, but it could be daunting to those who have been sedentary for quite a while.

Asian woman walking outside while talking on the phone

Health Benefits of Walking

Walking boosts cardiovascular health, aids in weight management, and improves mental well-being. And, as previously stated, you can start reaping the health benefits of walking well before reaching 10,000 steps per day. According to recent research, starting with as little as 2,600 to 2,800 steps a day can still bring considerable benefits for mortality and cardiovascular health, especially for those starting at lower activity levels.

Here’s some motivation to increase the number of steps. A 2023 European Society of Cardiology study revealed that walking just 4,000 steps a day can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease death, which is especially encouraging for those who may find higher step counts daunting. A meta-analysis by the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2022 concluded that walking at least 7,000 steps daily significantly reduces the risk of premature death in middle-aged individuals, compared to less active ones.

Lastly, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that walking regularly reduces the risk of dementia. The study described a recommended daily step count for dementia prevention, advising between 3,800 to 9,800 steps daily. Additionally, they noted that the pace and intensity of walking might be more valuable than the distance, suggesting that walking 112 steps a minute can be beneficial, especially for those who have been physically inactive.

Close up of Apple Watch on a man's wrist showing number of steps counted for the day

Building to 10,000: A Step-by-Step Guide

Achieving the goal of 10,000 steps per day can be a gradual process:

1. Start with Your Baseline: Use a step-tracking device to determine your average daily steps.

2. Set Gradual Goals: If your baseline is around 3,000 steps, aim to add 500 steps each week. Remember, even minor increases in daily steps can positively impact your health.

3. Incorporate Walking into Everyday Life:

  • Choose stairs over elevators whenever you can.
  • Park farther away from your destination.
  • Opt for walking meetings or take a stroll during lunch breaks.
  • Walk while you’re talking on the phone.
  • If it’s raining, walk on the treadmill at the gym. 

4. Track Your Progress: Regularly monitor your steps and celebrate small milestones.

5. Make It Enjoyable: Pop in your headphones and listen to music or podcasts while walking. Or, grab a friend or partner to walk with you. Enjoying the process is key.

6. Stay Consistent: Make walking a daily habit. Consistency is more important than intensity in the beginning.


Walking, even in smaller amounts, can lead to significant health benefits. By starting where you are and gradually increasing your step count, you can embark on a journey toward better health and wellness. Every step counts, so take the first step today towards a healthier, happier you.